EU Strategy for International Cooperation in Research & Innovation - State of Play
This communication provides a report on the state of play of the European Commission's strategy on international cooperation in research and innovation (which was adopted in September 2012). The Commission committed to reporting on progress regarding the implementation of the strategy in 2014. The conclusions drawn in this document are as follows:
- The international dimension of Horizon 2020 and its work programmes needs to be further strengthened through a better integration of international cooperation in the Horizon 2020 Strategic Programming and Work Programme development.
- Work on developing common principles and framework conditions and removing obstacles to cooperation needs to continue.
- Monitoring of the impact of the strategy through quantitative indicators.
The communication is accompanied by a Staff Working Document which includes reporting on the roadmaps for international cooperation and the priorities for future cooperation between the following countries/regions and the European Union:
- Brazil
- Canada
- China
- India
- Japan
- Republic of Korea
- Russia
- South Africa
- USA (pages 61-71)
- Eastern Partnership Countries
- Southern Mediterranean Countries
All strategy documents/reports for international cooperation in research and innovation are available on the Commission's website.
or directly:
Enhancing and focusing EU international cooperation in research and innovation: A strategic approach (14.09.2012)
Report on the implementation of the strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation (11.09.2014)
Roadmaps for international cooperation (11.09.2014)