MERIL - European database of research infrastructure
The MERIL portal gives access to an inventory of openly accessible research infrastructures (RIs) of more-than-national relevance in Europe across all scientific domains, including the humanities and social sciences. It aims to be a user-friendly resource for information commonly needed by researchers seeking access to an infrastructure and by policy-makers analysing the current state of research infrastructure in Europe. The database will be continuously updated with RIs that meet the criteria for inclusion. Note that entries are only published on the portal once a minimum set of data has been provided by the RI, therefore the visible entries do not represent the full database.
RIs included in the database have been evaluated through a national or European process on the basis of commonly agreed criteria and recognised as being of the highest standards and relevance to research in Europe. Inclusion in the database is thus a label of quality. The database may also serve as a basis for policy and planning on research infrastructures in the future.
Each research infrastructure in the database is described in a standard format, with a limited amount of core information and a web link to each individual research infrastructure.
Project factsheet:
Press Articles: