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NEO-CIRCulation project
Submitted by Liam Mahoney on Fri, 10/24/2014 - 17:44
Your role in the project:
Co-ordinator, Work Package Leader & UK Chief Investigator for Clinical Trials
Assessment of your participation:
Neo-CIRC is a consortium of 18 partners of which 11 are clinical sites. Each of the sites have been involved in different aspects of the studies development.
There have been numerous benefits of participation-
-Through several meetings not only has it provided a forum for experts in the field to meet regularly which has not only spurred the project on but also led to the development of new studies.
-It has encouraged each of the centres to develop new clinical skills and procure new technologies ultimately improving patient care.
-Each centre was selected due to their expertise in a particular field (e.g. pharmacology, biostatistics, biomarkers etc.). Through the dissemination of each centres work via separate work packages has lead to shared learning.
-The consortium, via its funding, has also provided opportunities for young clinicians to join and develop new research projects. This has in turn led to new partnerships developing between institutions.
- We have also developed secure online case record forms for data to be entered into facilitating the smooth conduct of clinical studies between multiple sites.
- A variety of training courses have also been developed by various member of the consortium. These courses have now involved clinical staff outside the consortium with the aim of improving care to newborn babies.
-There have been a number of scientific publications for the consortium. We have also increased public awareness of the project via local parent forums as well as the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants.
-The consortium has been working primarily with small and medium sized enterprises which has aided the development of such companies and relationships between industry and educational institutions.
Any suggestions or comments:
We have learnt that having robust systems of communication as well as a clear leadership structure is key in the progression of the study in a timely fashion.
Your organisation: