BILAT USA 2.0 Advisory Board


Prof. Manfred Horvat (Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria)

Manfred is Professor for “European and International Research and Technology Cooperation” the TU Vienna. He is also independent expert for international research and technology cooperation and acts as senior advisor for Austrian ministries and international organizations, as well as an expert for the European Commission.


Tom Wang (AAAS, USA)

Tom is director for international cooperation at the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Deputy director of the AAAS Center for Science Diplomacy. He is in charge to guide the association’s international engagement strategy and manages the association’s international relationships. Tom was a partner in the former BILAT USA project and coordinated the EU-funded Link2US project.


Riita Mustonen (NordForsk, Finland)

Riitta has been Vice President of Research at the Academy of Fincland since June 2007 and is now Deputy Director of NordForsk. Her main responsibilities are related to European and Nordic Research Area relations. In 2011 she held the SFIC (Strategic Forum for International S&T Cooperation)-Chair.


Sinan Tumer (SAP, USA)

Sinan is responsible for managing international research policies at SAP Research with special emphasis on innovation deployment and adoption programs. He is assessing various innovation instruments from the US Federal Government and the EC for collaboration with the Public Sector, like pre-commercial public procurement, technology procurement and pre-competitive R&D for commercialization.


Helena Acheson (MFG Baden-Württemberg)

Helena leads the MFG Division responsible for Innovation Projects, Business Development and Communication. As a public Innovation Agency for ICT and Media MFG has been strengthening the region as a business location for IT, media and creative industries since 1995. MFG improves regional innovation and competitiveness including the promotion of regional, national and international cooperation.