Lowering Barriers for Nanotechnology Commercialisation via Open Innovation

The NanoCom coordinated action will contribute to bridging the gap between lab based and industrial applications in nanotechnology by creating a European wide approach and mechanisms for lowering the barriers and spreading best open innovation practices for rapid commercialisation and investment in innovative nanotechnology driven products. 

The vision will be supported by the following key objectives:
- To carry out a critical analysis of barriers for rapid commercialisation of emerging Micro and Nano Technologies (MNT) that result from many complementary EC, national and industrially funded Research and Development (R&D) projects
- To analyse and promote best practices via new nanotechnology and nano-manufacturing specific open innovation methodology and tools and provide roadmapping, policy and investment advise at EU, national and regional levels
- To create a commercialisation oriented forum and mechanisms for coordinating the efforts of many complementary R&D projects in ERA
- To provide support for training and dissemination of best practices for open innovation and commercialisation of nanotechnology

The NanoCom outcomes will target the creation of new Open Innovation approach and support environment for overcoming the barriers to commercialisation of nanotechnology results in Europe and promoting and spreading best practices. The results of the project will dramatically increase the uptake of nanotechnologies and facilitate the development of a strong and thriving European nano-manufacturing sector providing global innovation leadership in the field.

Short name and number: 
NANOCOM 247967
Name of US Partner: 

Contact administratif: Joris MONTENS (Mr), Liberty Square Suite 210, BOSTON, UNITED STATES, Tél: +31-655845284, Fax: +31-207997801

Participating Countries: 
Czech Republic
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
United States

Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies


FP7 Project with U.S. partner

Participating countries/ Programme Open for the following countries: 

Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, UK, USA