Carbon-based Nanomaterials and Nanostructures for Advanced Sensing Applications
The project is proposing a 4-year program of knowledge transfer and networking between Aston University, UK (Aston), the University of Aveiro, Portugal (UAvr), University of Rochester, USA (URoc), Old Dominion University, USA (ODU), National Institute for Materials Science, Japan (NIMS), Chinese Academy of Science, China (CAS), and Changshu Institute of Technology, China (CIT).
The objective of the proposed joint exchange programme is to establish long-term stable research cooperation between the partners with complimentary expertise and knowledge. The project objectives and challenges present a balanced mix between industrial application focused knowledge transfer and development and more far-looking studies for potentially ground-breaking applications of using carbon-based nano-materials and nanostructures for advanced sensing applications (CarbonNASA).
Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies
FP7 Project with U.S. partner
China, Japan, Portugal, UK, USA