Phase 3: Proposal writing and submission

Within this section we focus on questions that arise when being a project partner within an “Research & Innovation Action” or “Coordination and Support Activity” funded within Horizon 2020. There are a couple of things needed from your grant office, so if you have not already contacted them, it is time to do so.

What is the Participant Portal, and why do I need to register for it?

The Participant Portal is the single-entry point for interactions about the EU research and innovation programmes with the European Commission. It offers you the services and tools that facilitate the monitoring and the management of your proposals and projects.

Relevant documents regarding the whole application process can be found on the portal.

Where can I find a template agreement? When should I forward this to my grant office?

A template Grant Agreement (GA) can be found here.


Mono-beneficiary General Model Grant Agreement

What time zone is used for the submission deadline? 

The Time Zone used is the Central European Time (CET) – generally, the submission deadlines end at 17:00 (5 pm) local Brussels time.